Welcome to the grassy corner of the Allotment where our blogs are grown. Read about how to grow an ideas pipeline, how to make a business more creative, what the power growth questions, how to get over creative block and a whole field of other ideas…

Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

7 ideas to get your growth strategy DONE

The businesses that move forward are those that have a consistent approach to their growth actions, whether that is marketing, processes or comms.

But it can be a challenge to work consistently on your business growth actions, because there are a million (I’m exaggerating, but some days, only slightly) things you need to do and about 15 minutes before your next meeting. So here are 7 ideas to help you get consistent with the actions that really matter in your business.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

3 questions to ask when building a business vision

There are sackfuls of useful questions that can help you think about what you want your business to be in a year’s time, and you can end up with a mass of thoughts and ideas that don’t seem to cohere into anything useful. The trick is to explore lots of thinking, have lots of ideas and then spend time editing and reducing these into something small, well-formed and useful.

So here’s three that I find are a really good place to start.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

How to make accountability fun (oh yes you can)

Accountability is the least sexy bit of the strategic plan that makes all the difference. Business owners can struggle with accountability, because let’s face it, it’s dull. Or is it? read on for some creative ways to build accountability into your business that work.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Making smart decisions in your business

As small business owners we are used to finding solutions to challenges we didn’t even know existed. being armed with a strategic plan is great, but how do you make smart strategic decisions in your business? How do you evaluation potential solutions to issues that were never on your plan in the first place? And how do you know the idea you select is the smartest one for your business? Read our blog for a very simple tool to help.

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Jodie Newman Jodie Newman

Growth Questions: like your favourite pair of socks

Do you ask the Growth Questions in your business? The set of 5 powerful questions can help you pinpoint he precise area of your business that is ripe for growth, and give you ways to create potential growth ideas.

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